Also known as "silent disease," it is a medical disorder that weakens bones, making them more fragile and prone to fractures.


Older persons are more vulnerable to osteoporosis because bone density normally declines with age. 

Postmenopausal women are more vulnerable due to a decrease in estrogen, a hormone that helps protect bone density. 

A sedentary way of life without engaging in regular exercise. 

Smoking, excessive alcohol intake, and poor calcium and vitamin D diets can all contribute to bone loss. 


Regular bone density testing, particularly in postmenopausal women and the elderly, aids in early detection and intervention.

Hormone therapy and medications may be considered for post-menopausal women. However, lifestyle factors remain crucial.

 Regular weight-bearing exercises like jogging, walking, and resistance training strengthen and maintain bone density.

 Avoiding smoking and minimizing alcohol consumption improves general bone health. 

Digital fridge freezer thermometer

Step one 

Take a moment to read the user manual thoroughly, paying particular attention to any special instructions or safety precautions. 

Step two

Choose the ideal location to place your thermometer inside/outside the fridge and freezer compartments. 

For inside placement, position the thermometer in the middle shelf, away from direct contact with food items

Step three

Turn on your thermometer and follow any initial setup instructions, such as setting the preferred temperature units (Celsius or Fahrenheit) and adjusting the time if applicable.

Step four

Turn on your thermometer and follow any initial setup instructions, such as setting the preferred temperature units (Celsius or Fahrenheit) and adjusting the time if applicable.

Step five

Set your desired temperature thresholds. This ensures you receive timely alerts if temperatures deviate from the safe range, helping you prevent food spoilage 

Step six

Regularly check the temperature display on your digital thermometer to monitor the current temperature levels inside your fridge and freezer.